How To Fix Heel Slippage In Cowboy Boots? [easy fix]

You just bought a new pair of cowboy boots. Whether you didn’t know your size or the boots are too stiff, you’re getting blisters all over your feet.

Needless to say, you need to know how to fix heel slippage in cowboy boots and you need to fix it fast. Lucky for you, I’ve had the same problem as well. And I’m here to show you how you can fix it.

But before you get down to fixing the problem, figure out whether it’s a problem or not. After all, all shoes have a break-in time.

How To Fix Heel Slippage In Cowboy Boots

How Do You Know If Boots Fit Right: Preventing Heel Slippage in Cowboy Boots

Unless you’ve been wearing cowboy boots for a long time, you wouldn’t know if you have the right fit or not. I mean there aren’t any laces to tighten or loosen them. And not to mention, they slip from time to time.

Anyway, here’s how to prevent heel slippage in boots-

The Ball and Toe of the Boot

It’s the top front part of your boots where your toes and the ball of the foot stays. You see it’s the ball of the boot that takes care of the walking process. Unless it’s in line with your feet, the fit won’t be perfect and you’ll notice frequent heel slips.

On the other hand, if the boots are undersized, your toes are going to suffer. The ball will sit ahead and subsequently, your toes will get jammed. If you stay in that position for too long, don’t get too surprised to see blisters. 

The Instep of The Boot

Cowboy boots aren’t the same as regular boots. So, don’t go expecting a true fit on the first day. It’s going to take some time to go that far.

What you should expect is a snug fit on the instep of the boot. It shouldn’t be too tight or too loose. Too tight and you won’t be able to stretch it too much. Too loose and you’ll give up trying to shrink it or might end up damaging the boots.

You’ll always have the option to stretch out the boots but it’s always better if you can score a perfect fit without going down that road.


Cowboy boot soles are pretty hard to break in. You’d have to wait a couple of days before you even see any sign of softening. But once you break in that stiff sole, the slippage is going to disappear.

When you’re buying a new pair of cowboy boots, the heel should slip about ½ inch. But any more than that, you should go for a bigger size. Otherwise, you might face blisters and sores.

As the new soles are already stiff, walking on a hard surface won’t give you proper results. Instead, walk on softer surfaces such as carpets.

How to Fix Heel Slippage in Cowboy Boots: (8 Surefire Methods)

I came up with 8 different methods to solve this irritating slippage problem. Now before I start, I should warn you, the first method isn’t anything special. Hopefully, you won’t hate me for that. So, here goes nothing-

1. Find Proper Fitted Cowboy Boots

I mean, duh? Everyone wants a properly fitted pair of cowboy boots. But as I explained, finding the right fit is a bit critical.

Even if you know your shoe size, you should consider getting another fit. Go to a store and find out what’s the right cowboy boot size for you. Otherwise, you won’t get out of this endless cycle of heel slipping. 

2. Wear Anti-slip Grip Socks or Paired Socks 

So, what are Anti-slip Grip socks or paired socks? Grip socks have rubber grips on the bottom. Needless to say, they hold on to the sole when you put your feet in. As a result, the heel slippage in boots is barely noticeable.

But there’s a better, cheaper alternative; paired socks.

It’s just like how it sounds. You pair one sock with another. Wear one sock over another and voila the heel slippage will be gone. However, make sure you don’t wear more than two socks, or else your feet will get cramped.

3. Apply Shoe Tongue Pads

Shoe tongue pads are the cushioning you need until the sole breaks in. The super-comfortable pads have the right amount of cushioning for relieving any kind of heel or tendon pain and inflammation.

On top of that, you can find the right shape and type suitable for your feet.

4. Consider Using Inserts or Soles

Orthotic insoles can be a lifesaver for heel slippages. Whether you go out on short, comfortable walks or long, stressful runs, they’ll provide the support you need.

Be that as it may, you need to be careful when and where to use it. Not all cowboy boots need this. If you can avoid them by breaking in the boots, then stick to that.

5. Apply Heel Liners

Applying heel liners inside a cowboy boot might be tricky but it’s not impossible. Even though heel liners were made to prevent uncomfortable rubbing on the heel, they’re also good at keeping the heel in its place.

The liners fit seamlessly with the boots and you practically won’t feel it after you’re used to it. When you break in the boots, you can easily remove them.

6. Look for Boots with Anti-slip Insoles

I’ve already explained how good anti-slip socks are. Well, guess what? Anti-slip insoles take it up a notch. If you think about it, no matter how well-made a sock is, it won’t last a long time.

Eventually, you’d have to change it. But that’s not the same for insoles. Unless you wear your cowboy boots every single day, there’s no need to replace them.

7. Get Yourself a Boot Dryer

When you suck out all the moisture from the leather, the slippage is going to reduce. But if you ask me, this method isn’t for me. I’d be glad to spend an hour trying to figure out my boot size rather than taking help from a boot dryer.

8. Use Double-sided Tape

This is the most unconventional method I’ve seen people doing. Even though it’s mainly popular with celebrities. I’m not sure if they do it with cowboy boots but there’s no reason it wouldn’t work.

But only use this method when there’s no other way. Remember, this will never be a permanent solution. The glue in the tap won’t hold for long. As soon as there’s some sweat, the tape will come off. 

When Should You Try to Fix Heel Slippage in Leather Boots?

You have to give the boots some time. Leather boots in intact condition are quite stiff. Wear it for 15 days and then see if there’s any difference. But if you try to fix heel slippages on the first day, that’s overdoing it.

In new cowboy boots, a lot of friction happens in the area between the heel and insole. When you wear the boots for a minimum of 15 days, that stiffness goes away. Remember, patience is the key here.

How Much Heel Slippage Is Normal?

So, you’ve waited for 15 days and the slippage is still there. You’re having doubts about whether you bought a bigger size or not. Don’t worry, it’s okay to have that doubt.

For new leather cowboy boots, about 1/8” of slippage is acceptable. Any more than that and the boot will be too big for you.

Keep in mind, when you finally break in the boots, the slippage will increase to ½”. If the boots are tight, you’ll notice fractions which later on will turn into blisters.

The most common problem with Heel Slippage in Cowboy Boots

Heel slippages make it unbearable to wear boots. At one point, the blisters and annoying slide-offs get so bad you stop wearing the boots.

1. Painful Blisters

You might think you’ll be okay with a few blisters. I mean it’s not cutting you’re bleeding or anything. But remember how paper cuts hurt so much even though there’s no blood?

Well, the same thing happens here. Sooner or later, if you want to keep on wearing the boots, you have to take some steps to fix the problem.

2. Annoying Slide-off

You’re walking and talking with your boss. Suddenly, your boots slide off your feet. Is there anything more embarrassing than that?

There is. If it only happens in front of your subordinates.

Is It Better for Cowboy Boot Heels to Be Tight or Loose?

The answer isn’t either one. Cowboy boot heels should have a snug fit. If it’s tight, it’ll rub off against your foot, giving you blisters. On the other hand, loose boots will give you blisters too. But this time, you’ll lose your balance too.

Can Hairspray Stop Heel Slippage?

You should never use hair spray on cowboy boots or any type of leather for that matter. One of the main ingredients in hairspray is alcohol. When alcohol comes in contact with leather, it dries out the leather, eventually damaging it.

Our verdict on How To Fix Heel Slippage In Cowboy Boots

Well, that’s been it. The next time you get the wrong size, you won’t have any trouble. You know all the methods of how to fix heel slippage in cowboy boots.

Did you find any new way to fix heel slippage? Make sure you leave a comment down below.

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