Why do my heels squeak when I walk? (reason & solution)

The biggest reason of all time for squeaky heels is loose-fitting. However, squeaky heels can be the reason for many other footwear malfunctionings, which can ruin your whole day. Moisture is also the prime reason for squeaky heels.

The first impression is always the last! Imagine yourself all dressed up from hair to toe, looking elegant and edgy but a squeaky heel ruining your whole impression!

As much pain it is to sound, it becomes more confusing for questions like, why do my heels squeak when I walk?

Why do my heels squeak when I walk

What do you mean by the squeaking of heels?

To interpret better in the first place, what do squeaky heels mean, the very general term? Well, most people know squeaky heels as producing some irritating noises from footwear. Such noises especially come from women’s footwear, mainly regarded with high heels.

When you are already with your outlook and start to give the final touch by wearing your favorite pair of heels, you may at least once have faced the problem of irritating noises coming out.

Such noises come from nowhere but your heels which you have never imagined or wanted. And, thus, our most water post goes with the simplest solution to the problem of squeaky heels to save your day and impressions!

Why do my heels squeak when I walk?

As told before, the most common reason for getting a squeaky heel is the wrong fitting. An incorrect fitting can ruin your whole footwear impression, feeling, comfort, and everything you have never asked for. So, as usual, the importance of the correct fitting comes here in this topic.

You lose when your heels are stretched too much or fit; the squeaking problem can immediately rise from that. Another significant reason for the squeaking related to the fitting sector is the breaking-in of the shoes. Entirely new leather footwear can still make noises even if they fit tight when not broken in.

Some of the most stylish and fashioned heels come with pointed heels, which is also the reason for squeaking. Unfortunately, the outsoles can be the undetected medium of producing squeaky heels, which often people arent even able to figure out!

Also, the new pair of heels should be treated with unique treatments for those cases when they come with squeaky heels. You cannot expect blindly from the insoles that they won’t produce noises. If the sound is coming from the insoles, it is much easier to fix that. Again, the noise can be there when your shoes are too tight as well as they may rub against your feet.

You should also pay attention to whether your heels get worn out or not because the heels you have been wearing for a long time without any problem may one day start to produce noise. If that’s the case, then your heels have gone too old and are ultimately prone to squeaking.

A surprising reason yet most applicable is the air bubble forming within the soles of your shoes and producing heel squeaks.

The last and incurable phenomenon of squeaky heels is a structural issue due to manufacturing errors in the shoes, which can lead to permanent squeaking. For such a case, check well before buying the shoes, or otherwise; you have to face it without any solutions.

A report on the probability of squeaking heels is:

The chart shows that squeaky heels are produced 60% of the time due to loose fittings. Moisture causes 25% of the time creating squeaky heels, whereas structural problems become responsible 15% of the time. So

how to stop the squeaking of my heels?

how to stop the squeaking of my heels

We finally brought the cure for squeaky heels by mentioning 7 of the quickest tip to get rid of them, and they are-

Fixing loose heels:

As told before, wrong fitting is the biggest enemy of your footwear and the reason for all problems, including squeaky heels. So, try replacing the open heels as soon as possible. But, if you fail to return, we have a quick tip for that.

Purchase super glue and apply it at the bottom of the insole to fix them and fill the gaps that you don’t want. As a result, you can decrease the size of your heels to some extent.

Adjusting pointed tips:

It is widespread in present times to have heels that have very sharp angles. They may seem very classy and stylish, but often, they become the prime reason for making noise. The heels also come with small heel caps to get rid of the problem. In addition, some of the heels brands provide them complimentary with heels, whereas others don’t.

In case you don’t get them for free, buy them for yourself, which are available in various colors. They won’t ruin your heel’s look and will provide many added benefits.

For example, heel caps will reduce 80% of the sound coming from them and offer excellent friction, making your walking more comfortable.

Working on the outsoles and insoles:

Often, one or both insoles become a reason for squeaky heels. In case of a problematic outsole, grab a piece of the rubber outsole and cut it to customize it according to your heel size. Adjust the rubber outsole over the existing sole, which will decrease the sound. Also, more friction will generate that will allow you to move around easily

Again, walk several minutes to locate the exact reason for the noise. If you figure out that the noise is coming from inside, the insole is responsible. Grab sandpaper and rub it against your insole to make it rough. Rough insoles will end this sound, and therefore, no more squeaky heels will exist.

Getting rid of the moisture and water:

The biggest enemy of heels is moisture or the presence of water. You can try thousands of methods to protect against squeaky heels, but you’ll fail as you can’t detect the moisture quickly. Moisture mainly occurs when your feet rub against the portion of the heels. As a result, water in heels occurs due to sweat.

Insoles are the central portion where this moisture can be found, and the good thing is you can easily take action against them. Use powder, baby powder, or cornstarch to soak up the water. Keep them for 24 hours and get rid of the excess traces of powder later on.

Avoiding worn-out heels:

You have to keep in mind the date from which you are using your heels. If they get expired or worn out, there can be a higher probability of making squeaky sounds.

Fixing air bubbles:

In case of soft or spongy insoles make squeaky circumstances massage your insoles gently. Do it all over the insoles evenly to remove all the air bubbles.

Spotting structural problems:

The last most important thing to avoid squeaky heels is to spot structural issues when purchasing your shoes. In case you get any manufacturing error, the cause of the squeak can be internal malfunctioning. Unfortunately, such problems don’t have any cure, due to which you should be very careful at the time of purchase.

Our verdict on Why do my heels squeak when I walk

All these debates are for the solution for squeaky heels that are so embarrassing and enough to ruin your whole mood. The most important thing about the cure of squeaky heels is that you have to locate the origin of the problem in the first place.

If you can do so, squeaky heels can be fixed easily at home by yourself like a pro!

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