What To Wear To Jury Duty To Not Get Picked? [Answered!]

Jury service is an important civic responsibility that compels individuals to play a key part in the administration of justice. However, showing up for jury duty might be intimidating, especially if one is unfamiliar with the procedure or the appropriate attire. 

So the question remains, “what to wear to jury duty to not get picked?”

To increase your chances of not being picked, it is important to dress appropriately for jury duty. The dress code for jury duty is often professional and conservative, and it is necessary to dress in a manner that expresses respect for the court and the proceedings.

This article will discuss the basics of the jury duty dress code and provide advice on how to avoid being selected for jury duty by wearing the appropriate attire.

Whether you’ve served on juries before or this is your first time, we hope that the following information will allow you to do your civic duty with poise and competence.

What To Wear To Jury Duty To Not Get Picked [Answered!]

Jury Duty 101: Jury Duty Dress Code

It’s crucial to look presentable during jury service, as it’s a civic obligation. People serving on juries are expected to look professional and conservative. Some important aspects of the required attire for jury duty are as follows:

  • Outfits in dark or neutral tones, including black, navy, gray, or beige, are recommended for business meetings and interviews.
  • Don’t wear anything too exposing or tight fitting, and stay away from graphics or slogans that could be construed as provocative if you’re called for jury duty.
  • Hide your tattoos and piercings: If you don’t want to bring unwanted attention to yourself, it’s best to hide your tattoos and piercings.
  • Because you will likely be seated for extended periods of time, it is important that your footwear is comfortable. Keep away from high heels and shoes with a noisy sole.
  • Keep your hair and nails perfectly manicured and tidy, and wear as little makeup as possible.

Always keep in mind that the dress code was established to reflect the gravity of the proceedings and to project an air of objectivity and responsibility. If you follow these rules, the court will see you as a professional and take you seriously in your case.

Why Do People Want Not to Get Picked to Jury Duty?

While serving on a jury is a critical aspect of the justice system, many people are hesitant to serve for a variety of reasons. Some common reasons why people may not want to be picked for jury duty include:

  • Time commitment: Jury duty can be a significant time commitment, lasting anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the case.
  • Financial impact: Being selected for jury duty can mean a loss of income, as many employers do not pay employees for time spent on jury duty.
  • Disruption of schedule: Jury duty can disrupt personal and professional schedules, making it difficult to attend to other obligations such as work, school, or family.
  • Responsibility: Serving on a jury can be a heavy responsibility, as the outcome of a case may have serious consequences for the defendant.
  • Personal beliefs: Some people may not want to be selected for jury duty because they have strong personal beliefs that may conflict with their role as impartial jurors.
  • Lack of knowledge: Some people may feel intimidated by the legal system and may not want to serve on a jury because they feel ill-equipped to make important decisions.

These are just a few of the reasons why some people may not want to be selected for jury duty. While it is a civic responsibility, it is also a personal decision and individuals are entitled to their own feelings and preferences.

5 Ways Not to Get Picked for Jury Duty

Jury duty is a civic responsibility and avoiding it is not recommended. However, there are a few legal ways to be excused or disqualified from jury duty:

  1. Hardship: If serving on a jury would cause undue hardship, such as severe financial burden or a health condition, a person can request to be excused.
  2. Occupation: In some cases, certain types of employment or occupation may make a person exempt from jury duty.
  3. Age: Some states allow individuals over a certain age to be excused from jury duty.
  4. Prior service: In some cases, individuals who have served on a jury within a certain timeframe may be excused from serving again.
  5. Residence: A person may be disqualified from serving on a jury if they do not reside in the jurisdiction where the trial is taking place.

It is important to note that these exemptions and disqualifications vary by state and jurisdiction, and a person may still be selected for jury duty even if they meet one or more of the above criteria. 

If a person is selected for jury duty and has a valid reason for being excused, they should communicate this to the court and follow the proper procedures to request an exemption or disqualification.

In general, it is recommended to be honest and transparent about any circumstances that may make serving on a jury difficult or inappropriate. The court will make a determination based on the specific circumstances and laws in place in the jurisdiction where the trial is taking place.

What Happens If You Don’t Dress Appropriately for Jury Duty?

If you report for jury duty and do not dress adequately, you could face any number of punishments, depending on the specifics of the situation and the rules of the local court. Here are some probable outcomes:

Refusal of entrance

It is possible that a judge or member of the court security staff will decide not to let a person inside the courtroom if they are dressed in a manner that is thought to be unsuitable.

Dismissal from jury duty

If a person is picked as a juror and their attire is not in compliance with the court’s dress requirement, they may be discharged from jury duty.

Fine or penalty

If a person fails to dress adequately for jury duty, they may be subject to a fine or another kind of penalty, such as community service, in certain areas of the country.

Loss of credibility

Failing to dress appropriately for jury duty can also impair a person’s credibility as a possible juror. This can lower their chances of being picked for a jury and can also harm their reputation in the community.

It is crucial to take the dress code for jury service seriously and to dress in a professional and modest manner to demonstrate respect for the court and the procedures. 

The Art of Not Standing Out: What Not to Wear to Jury Duty

While dressing appropriately for jury duty is important, it is also important to avoid dressing in a manner that might draw attention to yourself or make you stand out in a negative way. Here is a list of what not to wear to jury duty:

Casual or Athletic Wear

Avoid wearing clothing that is too casual or athletic, such as t-shirts, sweatpants, or athletic shoes. This type of attire is inappropriate for the formal setting of a courtroom.

Provocative or Inappropriate Clothing

Avoid wearing clothing that is revealing, provocative, or that might be considered offensive or inappropriate. This includes short skirts, low-cut tops, or clothing with offensive graphics or slogans.

Distracting Patterns or Bright Colors

Avoid wearing clothing with distracting patterns or bright colours. These can draw attention away from the proceedings and can detract from the serious nature of the trial.

Clothing with Political Statements

Avoid wearing clothing with political statements or symbols. This can suggest bias or a lack of impartiality and can interfere with the impartiality of the jury.

Ripped or Tattered Clothing

Avoid wearing clothing that is ripped or tattered. This can suggest a lack of respect for the court and the proceedings and can make you stand out in a negative way.

Choosing the Right Outfit for Jury Duty

If you want to avoid calling attention to yourself during jury duty, here are some suggestions on what you should wear:

Dress in a businesslike manner

Dress in a businesslike manner by donning a button-down shirt, trousers, or khakis, and shoes with closed toes. Don’t stand out too much by donning garish hues or prints. If you do this, people will think of you as a responsible citizen who values their civic duties.

Don’t wear anything with a slogan or logo

Logos and phrases on clothing can be a distraction and give the impression that you are trying to make a statement or advance a cause. Use just solid colours and traditional cuts and patterns. 

By doing so, you can sidestep any suspicions that you are biased or working toward an ulterior motive.

Don’t wear anything that could be construed as offensive

Wearing contentious garments, such as those with overtly political statements, can give the impression that you have an opinion you want to push. When serving on a jury, it’s preferable to avoid wearing these items. 

Wear comfortable shoes

During jury selection, you will spend a lot of time sitting, so make sure you bring shoes that won’t bother your feet. If you want to avoid foot pain, you should not wear high heels or other unpleasant shoes. That way, you can look your best during the interview process.

Maintain a nice appearance by combing your hair back and shaving or grooming your face. Don’t go overboard with the jewellery or cosmetics. Because of this, you can look more put-together and competent.

Top 5 Dresses to Wear in Jury Duties

When called to serve on a jury, it’s important to dress in a way that is professional and appropriate for a courtroom setting. Choosing the right dress can be challenging, but by following a few guidelines, you can be sure that you are dressed appropriately for jury duty. 


Here are five recommended dresses for men to wear to jury duty:

  1. Suit and tie. Opt for a neutral colour such as black, navy, or grey.
  2. Dress shirt and dress pants. Ensure that the shirt is tucked in and the pants are free of wrinkles.
  3. Solid button-down shirt and slacks in a neutral colour such as beige, grey, or navy.
  4. Polo shirt tucked in with dress pants.
  5. Blazers and dress pants in a neutral colour combination.


Here are five dresses that would be appropriate for women to wear to jury duty:

  1. A tailored shift dress in a neutral colour such as black, navy, or grey.
  2. A knee-length wrap dress in a conservative print, such as stripes or solids.
  3. A classic sheath dress in a professional fabric, such as wool or cotton.
  4. A blouse and skirt ensemble in coordinating, neutral colours.
  5. A collared shirtdress in a lightweight fabric, such as linen or cotton.

FAQ about What To Wear To Jury Duty To Not Get Picked

What if I have a strong bias or a conflict of interest?

If you have a strong bias or have a conflict of interest, you may be excused from serving on a jury. It’s important, to be honest about your qualifications and any biases you may have during the jury selection process.

Are there any exemptions for jury duty?

Some people are exempt from jury duty, such as certain government employees, full-time students, and certain individuals over the age of 70. Be sure to check if you qualify for an exemption.

Can I wear casual clothing to jury duty?

It’s best to err on the side of dressing too professionally. Avoid wearing anything too casual, such as t-shirts or shorts, as it may not be appropriate for a courtroom setting.

Can I wear jewellery to jury duty?

Wearing jewellery to jury duty is generally acceptable, but it is recommended to keep jewellery simple and understated. Avoid wearing large or distracting jewellery that might draw attention away from the proceedings.

our verdict on What To Wear To Jury Duty To Not Get Picked

In conclusion, presenting a professional and impartial appearance while serving on a jury is aided by wearing appropriate attire. In order to lessen the likelihood of being picked, selecting unremarkable attire is essential.

The safer bet while getting ready for jury duty is to overdress for the occasion. Don’t show up in something too loud or casual, or anything with any kind of political message on it, like a t-shirt or shorts with a phrase or logo on them.

Dress conservatively, meaning that you should stick to solid colours and classic, uncomplicated cuts; put on some comfy shoes; and make sure you look well. Remember to keep it simple, professional, and appropriate for a courtroom setting, and to arrive on time.

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